Saturday 16 June 2012

Modblog Shared Task:

 Thanks to everyone who has visited this blog, offered comments, voted on levels and discussed issues on Twitter. It is doing everything I hoped it would for my ability and confidence in marking/levelling/moderating children's writing.

Over the next few weeks I will try to collect examples of children's work where they have attempted the same task. If you want join in please send in a scan/picture/typed version of a piece of writing to

Writing from children from all ages ( at school/ your own children?) can be submitted. The writing is going to be used to help teachers with online moderation and levelling activities and will remain anonymous.

Please email if you have any questions.

All involvement is greatly valued and appreciated. 

(don't forget to check Modblog 5 and share your comments/vote)

Narrative writing: 

The prompt for this task comes from the excellent Storyshakers.

The storyshakers dice have generated the following suggestion:

Using the ideas for setting, character, problem, solution and ending, write your own story!


Story Shakers gives  thousands of different options for storyboards in a range of writing genres including stories, non-chronological reports, instructions and newspapers. I am going to get a password and explore their resources, I really like the ideas I have seen.

Teachers who want a password for full access to the Story Shakers resources can email